Training your dog : The basic commands NAME, SIT & STAY

We already talked about the house training and crate training, it is now time to work your dog in the areas of socialization and habituation.

Having a semblance of control with your dog is important. There is nothing well-loved than an easy dog and a well-mannered one even when not at home. An ideal dog is not accomplished overnight. There must be some intense labor and great deal of time involved. Training should also not strike as a chore to you. Instead, it should be part of your lifestyle. It should be something that you do out of love and compassion. If you approach training with the same enthusiasm, it would be a lot easier to train your dog on a daily basis.

Training would depend on the kind of lifestyle an owner leads. Since you will be training your dog, expect that most time of the day is spent with him. The following basic commands will help you jumpstart your training:


Suppose you are going to use your dog’s name as basis for your command, you may try following these steps:

  •  Say the dog’s name with the treat on the right hand
  •  When he responds the moment his name is called, give him the treat
  • Practice this often and once he gets accustomed with his name, gradually remove the treats until it fades, but always with praise.


The sit command is another indispensable command that owners usually teach their dogs. This comes in handy in almost all situations such as the following:

  • When you dog becomes too ecstatic and excited that he runs and jumps uncontrollably, the sit command is effective in keeping him on the ground.
  • This command can be used to keep your dog from rushing through open doors
  • This command can be used during feeding time, keeping his bowl from being knocked on the floor
  • This command is great as a defusing command. When your dog gets out of control, you can immediately put him on a “sit” and reward if he follows the command.

So you see how valuable this command can be? Who knows how many times and ways you can be able to use this command. The more you practice, the faster your dog will learn and respond.

How Do You Teach the Sit?

  • Gently hold your dog’s collar and say his name. Since you have already practiced saying his name to him, he should know this by now.
  • Hold the treat in the palm of your right hand.
  • Try to make eye contact with your dog. The moment you have established this, pass the hand with the treat over the top of your dog’s nose while you say the command “sit”. Your hand with the treat should be close to the top of your dog’s head so he will follow the treat with his nose.
  • Once you have him sitting, give the treat and shower him with praises and pats. Practice over again.


This is another useful command to learn and rather beneficial especially during grooming time and ridding him from bolting out the door or accidentally getting hit by a car. This is easy to teach but you should never take off the leash while teaching this command.

How Do You Teach the Stay Command?

  • Gently hold your dog’s collar, say his name, and command him to sit.
  • With the leash at your right hand, say the command “stay” whilst giving the hand signal for stay. The signal should be a flat hand with palms facing the dog and the fingers pointing the ground.
  • Remain in the position for a few seconds. If you fail to get your dog to stay,
  • don’t give up. Try again. If he attempts to move away, put him back into a sit and repeat the command “stay”.
  • Gradually increase the length of time for the sit and stay command until he gets accustomed to it. Remember, do not force or push your dog too soon. You will have plenty of time practicing these two commands.


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